Formally I'm trained as an artist graduating with honors which I believe gives me the unique ability to create aesthetically pleasing layouts that also function as game play spaces.
Below is a summary of my notable shipped titles and also my roles and a brief description of my responsibilities.
In Chronological Order
Lost Boys: Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Released for PC, Xbox, Playstation
Role: Lead Mission Designer
- Creating and pitching missions
- Scripting mission flow and combat.
- Scripting narrative moments and dialog.
- Leading a team of designers.
- Creating and pitching missions
- Scripting mission flow and combat.
- Scripting narrative moments and dialog.
- Leading a team of designers.
To Be Released
Role: Senior Level Designer
Responsibilities: When I started at Squanch I was the only level designer in the project. The design director and I began working on our proof of concept and then the vertical slice. Once the game releases I can share more detailed information and videos.
Ubisoft: Farcry 6
Released for PC, Xbox, Playstation
Role: Game Designer
Responsibilities: As a game designer at Ubisoft my focus has been open-world activities, meaning game play the player can engage in while exploring the world. This requires conception and pitching the activity to directors. Once approved creating tasks for departments to implement the activity. While the activity being created I ensure it's following the approved design, and finally improving the design based on internal and play test feedback

Released for PC, Xbox, Playstation
Role: Senior Mission Designer
Responsibilities: Working on Farcry 5 I was responsible for six missions. This included mission action flow, highs and lows. Mission objectives, enemy combat, and difficulty. Also more mechanical aspects of the missions such as setting up dialog, objective markers, spawn locations, combat volumes, restriction volumes, etc. Mission scripting also includes the setup of pre-combat scenarios in other words what the enemy AI is doing before the player engages in combat.

Released for PC, Xbox, Playstation
Role: Senior Mission Designer
Responsibilities: On ACU I was a mission scripter responsible for a section of the city missions. These included mission types such as chase, tail, assassinate, and various others. Most of these were prefab script setup that needed tweaking to make them more alive and less "cookie cutter."
Released for PC, Xbox, Playstation
Role: Senior Mission Designer/Exotic Scripting
Responsibilities: This was my first title at Ubisoft and I was hired to be a scripting expert. I was mainly in charge of missions that required exotic scripting or scripting outside the engine's normal constraints. These were missions that included high altitude drone targeting, and missions happening while on a crashing plane. So missions outside the normal enemy engagement which had unique challenges.
The Paladin crashing was a particularly challenging sequence. To work on the level every entity in the map needed to be selected. Then the map needed to be set back on the grid any time it needed to be worked on. Once the work was done everything needed to be again selected and then rotated back into the tilted crashing position. See a video of the sequence below.
Released for PC, Xbox, Playstation
Role: Senior Game Designer/Level Designer
Responsibilities: Much to my surprise this was my second Wolfenstein title. For this one I was responsible for game play and scripting all scripting for the game's first six levels. This included AI placement, object mover scripting, and event creations. Also the contact person for script problem solving and suggestions for other missions in the game. This was my first departure from scripting with Basic C using an in-house visual scripting that came with unique challenges of it's own.
Released for PC, Xbox, Playstation
Role: Level Designer/Mission Scripter
Responsibilities: Working on Quake 4 I wore many hats. Starting the projected I created design docs that detail level layouts, and game play flow. Once the design was approved and finalized we moved forward to level layouts, texturing and detailing. Level designers also were encouraged to create their own world models for set dressing. Finally as the levels started coming together I moved to scripting combat, AI placement, and events. Scripting in Quake 4 was Basic C scripting.
Released for PC
Role: Level Designer/Scripter
Responsibilities: I arrived at Gray Matter on loan from Activision to help them ship. At first I was responsible for making levels more AI friendly and creating a logical transitions from one level to the next. Once complete I was asked to script using Basic C and wrote scripts for many of the levels. This included AI movement and behavior as well as sounds, level balance, and scripting all object movers. I was also responsible for scripting the final boss fight of the game.
Other Titles
There are a number of other titles that I was part of however not for the full production of the title. Such as Jedi Knight II: Outcast, Singularity, Call of Duty: Black Ops. I've also worked on several titles that had many months of development but did not ship for various reasons.
Also prior to getting into design I held several QA roles that I have game credits for. Most notable are Quake 2, Quake 3 Arena, Hexen II, Soldier of Fortune, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, Tenchu, and many others.