Primarily my roles in the industry have been in game design, level design, and mission scripting for single player and cooperative game play. The majority of my shipped titles have released on Playstation, Xbox, and PC.
Hi Folks,
Yeah unfortunately Something Wicked Games laid off most of the company including myself. They're calling it a temporary layoff which means they could call us back. It also means I technically have to resign if I find a new job. In reality it's a way for then to not pay reverence and still lay people off.
I do hope they find a publisher however. SWG was a great team and I enjoyed working with them. So I wish them luck in locking down a publisher to get that project back on track.
In the meantime I'm going to start looking for my new gig. The industry is in quite a state at the moment so this could be a challenge. We shall see.
- Chad
Squanch Games shared this message today.
I'm happy yo announce I've accepted a Senior Level Design role a Something Wicked Games!
Something Wicked is a new company created by industry veterans that have brought us games like Fallout 3 & 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. These are many of the games I love so I'm very excited to be a part of their upcoming project Wyrdsong.
Wyrdsong has just started development so there isn't much I can say but I can show you some teasers that have been made public.
Hey everyone. As you may know Squanch Games is a company lead by Rick & Morty creator Justin Roiland. They finally revealed the title I was working on with them in 2020. It's called High On Life about an alien cartel that is selling humans as drugs for aliens. So you and some talking guns team up to take them down.
Looking at the trailer I see some familiar things and also some great new stuff! Hope they don't forget about me in the credits, but seriously Squanch was a fun group of people. Glad to see the game is alive and doing well. Can't wait to play it.
Check out the trailer!
I can't wait to share what I'm working on, but for now I'd really love to thank Chase at Lost Boys for offering this opportunity to me. And for doing it in such a way that didn't intimidate me from taking it.
- Chad